Why Leave A Legacy

My Dear Children: My great wish to you is to be close and kind to each other for blood is not water.  Don‘t expect any person to be perfect – that person hasn’t been born yet. Keep your faith very dear to you. Don‘t try to make too much money , it’s very unhealthy. Live a normal life in happiness with your families, never stay away from charity, that’s important in life.

These words were written by my grandmother on May 6th, 1958, two years before she passed away.

I was six years old and never really knew her. But these words brought her to life for me.

Don’t you sometimes wish your great grandparent or close friend had imparted to you a small bit of insight, words of wisdom, essentially a piece of themselves, in a letter?   You now have the opportunity to do this for your loved ones.

As a Legacy facilitator, I can help you recall, reflect upon and write the letter and life reflections that will bring meaning, wisdom and laughter to those you care about. You will be deeply enriched in the process. These are words that will tell people where you come from, who you are, and what you value.  A personal gift, like no other.

Couple Holding Hands

What we kept, we lost.

What we spent, we had.

What we gave, we kept.

Gladys Shibley Mitchell

Find purpose in our lives

Understanding our stories, values and passions helps us live our lives with greater purpose and intent.

Strengthen our families

Children who know family stories and values often have greater resiliency and hope and are better able to handle life’s ups and downs.

Share our wisdom with generations

By transmitting the wisdom, life lessons and inspiration we gained from living our life, we help shape the path for our loved ones and create a lasting connection for future generations.

Language allows us to reach out to people, to touch them with our innermost fears, hopes, disappointments, victories. To reach out to people we’ll never meet. It’s the greatest legacy you could ever leave your children or your loved ones: The history of how you felt.

Simon Van Booy

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